Stains and plaster of paris on the interior surfaces and shutters
Finishing paint Lifeline Interior brings out the natural beauty and structure of interior wood and wooden ceilings at an affordable price. The substance forms a finishing layer on the tree trunk, which allows the tree to breathe. It is easy to wash and dust. Lifeline also reduces the absorption of syntyvien hajujen puuhun in the package. Lifeline Interior is a fire-resistant and non-dispersive finishing material. It does not yellow and preserves the natural beauty of all possible wood surfaces even in the old age. Lifeline Interioria can be used both in new and existing wooden houses. The method of use and composition are the same as Lifeline Exteriorilla. Lifeline Interior is the only finishing agent that should be used in the interior of buildings. After you have used Lifeline Interioria as a sealer and sealer, you can give the interior a final finish with Acrylic Glossilla or Satinilla.
Typical features
- saumauslaasti, joka sallii puun hengittä
- syea lahosienten syntímás vátány
- does not yellow, dries quickly
- semi clear
- does not give kotitaloudessa syntyvien hajujen imeytyä puuhun
- creates a surface that can be easily cleaned.
Finishing materials for protection and cleaning of millets