Cleaning of wood and log house

Cleaning the exterior walls is an important step in preserving the finishing materials and extending the life of the log wall. Dirt particles and other air-borne pollutants that collect on the exterior walls of the building turn the color dull and create favorable conditions for the growth of fungal parasites. Cleaning is also necessary in order to determine the condition of the exterior finishing materials on the exterior walls during the inspection of the house.

Wood graying is caused by UV damage and can be removed by sanding or pressure washing with Wood ReNew or Oxcon. If the wood is dry but grey, Oxcon is the easiest choice to remedy the situation. If the wood is also dirty or oily, Wood ReNew is the best tool for removing contaminants and restoring the wood's natural tone.

Attention! If using Log Wash, Wood ReNew, or any other cleaner, start applying the cleaner from the lowest log and work your way up. Rinse from top to bottom. This will prevent the formation of "streaks" during cleaning.

Check out log house cleaning products:

Log Wash 3
Log Wash log house cleaner

Log Wash removes dirt, dust, pollutants, fungi, mold from both finished and unfinished logs and wood surfaces. Washing with Log Wash cleans the logs without damaging the wood or the finishing agent, because it does not change the natural pH balance of the wood.

Wood ReNew 3
Wood cleaner Woord Renew

Wood ReNew is a biodegradable wood cleaner concentrate that cleans and revitalizes greyed, stained and weathered wood surfaces. The product is used before applying wood finishing products, wanting to return the wood to its original natural tone. Do not use Wood ReNew in direct sunlight.

Wood stain bleaching agent Oxcon

Oxcon is sold as a concentrate that is dissolved in water before use. It is suitable for cleaning log surfaces, wooden terraces, wooden balconies, handrails and other wooden surfaces from stains caused by weather damage. Oxcon also removes rust stains around nails and screws. To clean individual stains or dirty spots, it can cause discoloration of the wood surface in the cleaned area and affect the overall appearance of the wood surface.

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