Väritön interior finishing agent Satin tai Gloss
We offer Lifeline Acrylic Satin & Acrylic Gloss parhaita väritätäsä äääääää ääääääää äääää äääää ääää äääää There is no better alternative to emphasize the beauty of the wall materials, ceiling materials, ceiling chairs, saw materials and panels used in the application than these substances. Lifeline Acrylic Satin & Acrylic Gloss are water-liquois-free, providing the strength, clarity and longevity of polyurethane. The substance is easy to use and does not cause side effects. A special ingredient that facilitates the spreading of a substance pintoihin. With this material, you can hide much more paint and it would be much better than with a single coat of other kilpailevalla finishing material. If you choose Lifeline Acrylic Satinin or Acrylic Glossin for indoor finishing, the surface will need less maintenance in the future.
Typical features
- does not yellow
- dry quickly
- excellent protective layer
- neither flaky nor flaky
- facilitates regular cleaning
Finishing materials for protection and cleaning of millets
Lifeline Acrylic Alternative: