When inspecting the exterior of the building, look for:
- Landscape plants within 0.5 m of exterior walls.
- Gutters & down spouts everywhere in good working order.
Any wood within 30 cm of (or especially in contact with) ground. - Wood piles at least 0.5 m away from house.
- Look for general patterns of fading of the finish.
- Look more carefully at areas that are most exposed to weather.
- South and west walls usually get more sun exposure.
- Walls facing prevailing winds are exposed to more rain.
Look for patterns of weathering. Fading of the finish.
- Water staining on exposed log ends.
- Water staining on exposed walls.
Make sure that no sprinkler directs water at the wall.
- Including water patterns on windy days!
Look for dust, pollens, etc. is an upward facing portion of logs.
- Clean this stuff off with water or mild cleaning solutions.
Inspect for any cracking, peeling or blistering of the finish.
Check water repellent quality of finish.
- Spray or splash water on walls, then look for it to “bead”.
Inspect for the presence of molds or mildews.
- On top of finish (can it be washed off?)
- Underneath finish.
Upward facing checks (0.5 cm or wider) should be sealed.
- Use Check Mate
Carefully inspect logs for signs of moisture.
- Discolored wood.
- Softened wood.
Pay special attention to all logs and ends extending to or beyond roof overhangs.
Inspect integrity of all sealant joinery (Perma-Chink, Energy Seal, QSL, Check Mate) at log-log interfaces, windows, doors, checks, roof lines or any potential air or water intrusion points.
There are two basic steps in protecting wood: surface preparation and application.
You must first start with clean wood. Think of surface preparation on wood the same way you look at site preparation for construction of a log home on your lot. If you stain over dirty, moldy, rotten wood with a transparent finish, you will always see dirty, moldy, rotten wood underneath the finish.
Proper application of preservatives, stains and finishes is equally important. Always read label instructions before you start the job. Call us to clarify any questions you have before you start.