Water soluble clear finishing agent for steel

Lifeline Endure terrassin finisher petisä is spread on wood in one layer, which protects against rain and provides excellent protection against graying of the soil caused by UV radiation. The substance is not significantly affected by the environment, is resistant to scratching and does not become dangerously slippery. Endure terrassin finishing agent is such a complete protective agent that it does not require the use of other substances to provide additional protection.

Typical features

  • scratch resistant
  • does not become noticeably slippery
  • the tremor tone remains
  • environmental friendly
  • protects against graying of wood caused by UV radiation
  • protect against rain damage
  • reduce bulging, splitting, warping of the board
  • appo prätäää puuhun siveltimälä thai siennelle
  • cleaned with soap and water.

Finishing materials for protection and cleaning of millets

Lifeline Endure vibration tone

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