Cobra Rod

COBRA WOOD PREPARATION COBRA Boratilla-Filled Tango Cobra™ Rod-filled tango is an effective method for treating the inner surface of logs in a rotting barn, for example log ends that have already been treated with a finishing agent. When the Cobra Rod rivetanko is työnnetty kosteaan tai märkään hirteen, niin rivetangon boraatt/kuparikombintelmä imeytyy tangosta siða säväään puuhun. The fillers destroy the decay fungus and help prevent the tree from decaying for the next 8-10 years. Cobra […]

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The 100% borate powder-based tree protection agent Armor-Guard is borate powder concentrate, which is dissolved in water and spread after cleaning the fungus on the tree or by brushing or spraying. If Shell-Guardia or Shell-Guard RTU cannot be used for some reason, Armor-Guard is the next valid choice. PROTECT YOUR PLANT AND REPAIR IT.

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Protective agent for anthills, thuholasia and lahosientä against Shell-Guard hirsitalollenne besten süelan eksätäiä and lahosieniä vätan. The new generation of protective agents combines the well-known effectiveness of borates and glycolic compounds, which improve the absorption of protective agents in the skin and enhance the effect of borates. Shell-Guard is color shade and diffuse shade. The glycol contained in the substance is also used as a preservative and skin protectant. Shell-Guard is tiweste, joka sekoitat saman maaan […]

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Shell Guard RTU

The ready-to-use wood preservative Shell-Guard RTU is a ready-to-use borate-based preservative that contains the same active ingredients and glycol compounds as Shell-Guard sealants that have been proven to be effective. Shell-Guard RTU is colorless and non-dispersive like Shell-Guard-tiwese, it is non-toxic to people and pets, but it is an effective agent against wood decay and insect damage, both ulko- özse sissäkäytössé. Because it is a ready-to-use product, win

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