Log Wash

Hirsitalon cleaning agent Log Wash is nestämäinen tiweste hirsien and puupintjen rujdamiseen. This can be used both for regular maintenance and as a pre-treatment before applying a new layer of stain or protective agent. Hirsitalon ulkoseiniin collects dust and likaa and other impurities that are transferred without the help of the ulkoseinia, which makes the ulkoseinian fade and creates favorable conditions for the synthesis of the lawn and home gardens. Light cleaning once […]

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Log Wash

Low pH Wood Cleaner Log Wash is a liquid concentrate for cleaning log and wood surfaces. It can be used as a maintenance cleaner or to prepare the surface of wood for a new coat of stain or topcoat. The exterior surfaces of a log home are a settling ground for dust, pollen and others

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Log In There

Log End Seal treatment agent for log ends protects log ends exposed to weather conditions from damage. Auringon sādāi, wind, sate, snow and ice damage the tree surface. This is especially important in the case of hirsien gündijen, which are prone to damage and which are damaged most quickly. Even when the end of the millet is covered with a hand tent, the rough end surface absorbs moisture from the millet. This creates profitable ones

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Log In There

Exterior Sealer for Log Ends Log End Seal protects exposed log ends from deterioration due to the elements. Sunlight, wind, rain, snow and ice all play a role in degrading wood surfaces. This is especially true for log ends where the end grain is exposed and cracks and checks are prone to develop. Even if

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Cobra Rod

COBRA WOOD PREPARATION COBRA Boratilla-Filled Tango Cobra™ Rod-filled tango is an effective method for treating the inner surface of logs in a rotting barn, for example log ends that have already been treated with a finishing agent. When the Cobra Rod rivetanko is työnnetty kosteaan tai märkään hirteen, niin rivetangon boraatt/kuparikombintelmä imeytyy tangosta siða säväään puuhun. The fillers destroy the decay fungus and help prevent the tree from decaying for the next 8-10 years. Cobra […]

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Cobra Rod

Borate Impel rods Cobra™ Rods are a way to spot treat decay prone areas such as log ends that are already coated with a finish. Once inserted into damp or wet wood the borate / copper complex in Cobra Rods dissolves spreading the active ingredients into areas surrounding the rod. This eliminates active decay fungi and […]

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The 100% borate powder-based tree protection agent Armor-Guard is borate powder concentrate, which is dissolved in water and spread after cleaning the fungus on the tree or by brushing or spraying. If Shell-Guardia or Shell-Guard RTU cannot be used for some reason, Armor-Guard is the next valid choice. PROTECT YOUR PLANT AND REPAIR IT.

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Soluble Borate Powder Armor-Guard is concentrated borate powder that is dissolved in water and then applied by brush or spray to bare wood. When other factors prevent the use of Shell-Guard or Shell-Guard RTU, Armor-Guard is the next best preservative to use. REMEDIAL and PREVENTATIVE TREATMENT For remedial control of organisms attacking wood, apply 10%

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Lifeline Prelude

Saumauslasti / Pohjuste Prelude is a saumauslasti / pohjuste wood surface, which has been treated with the spreading method. In recent years, the use of a sprayer has become more and more popular in removing old topcoats, so that the surface can be treated with a new layer of stain. The spreading method slightly increases the porosity of the wood, so the treated surface will use more stain than the surface that has been treated chemically or washed or cleaned with a pressure washer. Bigger

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Lifeline Prelude

Clear Sealer/Primer Prelude is a sealer/primer for wood surfaces that have been media blasted. Over the past few years media blasting has become an excellent tool for removing old finishes in preparation for applying a new coat of stain. However, media blasting significantly increases the porosity of the wood, thus allowing it to absorb much

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